Korean robotics company RoboPrint started as a one-man company that specialized in banner printing in Daegu. It is now one of the top companies in Korea for painting the exterior of walls on apartment buildings. When you visit Korea, you will notice that apartment buildings dominate most areas. To create a safer and more efficient solution, RoboPrint developed Artbot in 2013. Artbot is a robot for safely painting large buildings or outside walls of apartments. It can print complex images on the exterior walls of high-rise apartments and other tall structures. It offers the safest, fastest, and most affordable way of painting images on the exterior of buildings. RoboPrint painted the exterior walls of facilities used for the 2018 PyeongChang Winter Olympics.

Robotics Startup RoboPrint

RoboprintRoboPrint is a global leader in the field of mural robots. They already have over 15 patents in Korea and have gotten the “New Excellent Technology” certification from the Korean government. They do mural projects all across Korea. Now they are looking to branch out into the global market. They have already entered San Franciso to target the US market and will focus on entering China and Europe soon. In addition, they have opened a local subsidiary in Singapore, where 90% of Singaporeans live in apartments.

Artbot – Developed by RoboPrint

Artbot by Roboprint

Artbot can paint high-quality images that enhance the city’s appearance by creating works of art across Korea. The global mural painting market is estimated to be over $20 billion. Painting apartments increases the property’s value and improves the overall visual design.

The Artbot is controlled remotely and wirelessly. To paint on large-scale walls, the Artbot splits an image into several small pieces to paint the whole image on the exterior of a building.

Benefits of Artbot

In the past, companies had to use humans strapped to ropes for long periods of time to paint the exterior walls of a building. If something happens, any falls will be fatal. Using Artbot is much cheaper than using the traditional manpower painting service by 50-80%. Also, there is no risk of safety accidents as no workers will work in high places. Artbot can also tackle highways and expressways where soundproof walls will be turned into beautiful works of art. It can also promote the values and specialties of the region. What about those bland storage tanks in industrial complexes that make the area look bleak? Why not transform these heavy industrial complexes into artistic murals?

Furthermore, the Artbot can be turned into a cleaning robot by installing a cleaning spray device. It would be an equally effective way of cleaning the exterior of a building.

Redesigning South Korea

The robotics industry in South Korea is becoming a leader in regards to improving manufacturing efficiency. With emerging technologies like AI, IoT, and a strong 5G network, the robotics industry is becoming a vital part of the 4th Industrial Revolution. Innovative robotics startups like Roboprint have the potential to go global because their technology can be applied for building all around the world. With this robot painting patent technology, RoboPrint will be designing building exteriors in Korea and beyond for many years.