Government News

UBI in Korea

UBI in Korea – The Youth Basic Income Project in Gyeonggi-do

With the concern regarding inequality and unemployment rising in South Korea, the Korean government is looking to innovate their existing redistribution strategy. There is a growing concern not just…

Incheon Startup Park

Incheon Startup Park – Landmark of Innovation Growth

Shinhan Financial Group hosted an MOU ceremony along with the Ministry of SMEs and Startups, the Incheon Metropolitan City, and Celltrion. They aim to build an ecosystem for innovative startups…

When Will Seoul to Launch their own Cryptocurrency the S-Coin?

China made headlines in cryptocurrency when it launched its pilot digital yuan (e-CNY) in early 2022. The digital currency works through a mobile app, e-CNY, available on Android and Apple app…

Korean Startup Scene in Seoul

A Guide to the Korean Startup Ecosystem

The Korean Startup Ecosystem in 2023 looks bright after the impact of COVID during parts of 2020 and 2022 and much of 2021. t may surprise some that South Korea's economy is now the 4th largest in…


KITA – The Top Association for Open Innovation in Korea

KITA, the Korea International Trade Association has been around for over 70 years. KITA is the top association for Open Innovation in Korea. Their aim is to advance the Korean economy through trade.…

MixCare Health

MixCare Health – A Health and Wellness Platform for Enterprises

Healthcare is one of the most fundamental human rights, yet people in many parts of Asia are not getting the most effective healthcare from their providers. One important factor contributing to this…


Quickwork Helps Enterprises Build Automated Workflows

There is no doubt that modern enterprises are facing a significant challenge when connecting different applications and systems to automate workflows and processes. On the one hand, enterprises need…

10 Creative Online Classes on Class101 – English Site

Class101 is a Korean educational startup that offers online courses where you can learn a wide variety of things. From drawing, cooking, photography, and crafts to business skills for your career, it…