N15 Partners hosted the ‘2022 In House Venture Program Networking Day’ event at Bunker 616 last 3rd Feb.

What is an In-house venture program?

Helping in-house venture teams from the private corporate sector and/or accelerating spin-off startups’ businesses for further commercialization and R&D funding.

N15 Partners is the operating host of the ‘In-House Venture Acceleration Program’ powered by the Korea Institute of Startup & Entrepreneurship Development and the Ministry of SMEs and Startups to actively support diverse entrepreneurs in Spin-Off startups and in-house venture teams.

* Spin Off : Establishing startup and spinning off from parent company.

** In-House Venture : Independent and autonomous organization within the corporate for developing new business fields and items separate from original business sector. 

Twenty companies attended the networking day event, which was full of various events such as ‘Keyword TALK’, ‘Meeting with senior entrepreneurs’, ‘1:1 Meet up with startup focused VC’, and lectures by HR/Investment/Mental Care experts.

Keyword Talk – In-House Venture CEO Networking

1:1 VC Meetup – Customized Investor Solicitation Coaching

Mentors: N15 Partners and VC Pool

HR Lecture for Startups – Startup HR-related basic procedure and tips

Mentor: Sunghyun Bok from D3 Company

Mental Class for Startup CEO – Sharing mental care methods

Mentor: Mental Coach Viki Chun

Understanding VC funding and IR – How to write perfect IR material to raise capital

Mentor: Sunki Hong from Big Basin Capital

Startups have eagerly participated in the necessery events for startup founders, consisting of sophisticated coaching for adequate investor solicitation methods through 1:1 VC Meet up sessions, introducdtion to writing IR material for further capital raise, and mental care programs to patch up the mind.

Meeting with Senior Founders – Startup knowhow before and after spin-off

Mentor: Sungjin Choi from POEN

Throughout the networking session, early-stage pre-entrepreneurs shared their concerns. They were able to reforge their enthusiasm and determination for startups with lectures by senior entrepreneurs who have been selected as part of ‘baby unicorn 200 accelerating’.

* Baby Unicorn Accelerating 

Government-sponsored project helping promising startup, validated by the market with global expansion, regulatory sandbox, PR, ESG governance, and other related deal sourcing, to reach $100m valuation milestone.

Startup founders and members whom have participated in the program have gathered around to share business operation insights and shared necessary knowledge for the business support program. N15 Partners supports every entrepreneur in fulfilling their dreams.

Also, the ‘2022 In House Venture Acceleration Program’ lasts until June 2023, and they are planning further events, including Demo-day.