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We’re thrilled to have you share your insights, knowledge, and stories with our dedicated audience. To ensure the highest quality content for our readers, please follow the guidelines outlined below:

1. Content Focus

  • Articles should center on startups, technology, or entrepreneurship around Korea
  • Ensure that your content provides value to our readers, whether in the form of advice, insights, news, or experiences.

2. Originality

  • All articles must be original and not published elsewhere.
  • Plagiarism will not be tolerated. Any submitted content that is found to be plagiarized will result in an immediate ban from our platform.

3. Length & Format

  •  Articles should be between 1,000 and 2,500 words.
  • Use clear and concise language. Subheadings, bullet points, and images are encouraged to break up the text and make it more reader-friendly.

4. Quality & Accuracy

  • Ensure that all facts, figures, and statements are accurate and verifiable.
  • Include relevant sources as hyperlinks or end-of-article citations.
  • Articles should be proofread for spelling, grammar, and coherence.

5. Images & Media

  • If using images or other media, ensure you have the rights to use them, or they are from royalty-free sources.
  • Provide proper attribution for any media used.

6. Disclosure & Transparency

  • Discussing a company or product in which you have a stake, interest, or relationship must be disclosed at the beginning of the article.
  • Unless previously discussed with our editorial team, no promotional or advertorial content is allowed.
  • Press releases or advertorials will get rejected. If you would like to advertise your business, product or brand make sure to check out our services here.

7. Feedback & Edits

  • Our editorial team may suggest changes or edits to ensure the content meets our platform’s standards.
  • Be open to feedback. Our primary aim is to maintain high-quality content for our audience.

8. Acceptance & Rejection

  • Not all submitted articles will be published. The selection is based on relevance, quality, originality, and alignment with our platform’s values.
  • If your article is accepted, you will receive a confirmation email with the expected publication date.
  • Feedback on rejected articles will be provided when possible.

9. Rights & Republishing

  • Upon acceptance, holds the first publication rights. You are free to republish the article on personal blogs or platforms, but it must link back to the original article on our website and note Seoulz as the original publisher.

By submitting an article, you agree to abide by these guidelines. We’re excited to spotlight the insights and perspectives of our community and look forward to your contributions. Thank you for being a valuable part of Seoulz’s community!