CrePASS Solutions: Redefining Credit Scoring for Inclusivity and Accuracy

CrePASS Solutions' STEPs platform embodies their commitment to enhancing the credit scoring process. It combines traditional and alternative data, including telecommunications…

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2022 In-House Venture Accelerating Program Networking Day

Helping in-house venture teams from the private corporate sector and/or accelerating spin-off startups’ businesses for further commercialization and R&D funding. N15 Partners is…

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Maumton Successfully Hosted: Innovative Ideas Abound

On the 30th of January, MINDs Lab and N15 Partners successfully co-hosted Maumton. The event was held at the office of N15 Partners, located on the fifth floor of the Seoul Square…

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N15 Partners and the UAE Embassy in Seoul kick off their partnership with the Eco-Bridge Project

N15 Partners has hosted a ‘Competition Event’ as part of the ‘Eco Bridge Project’ with the Embassy of United Arab Emirates in Seoul to source suitable Korean Startups trying to…

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DL E&C highlights sustainability and innovation at the 2022 open innovation demo day

DL E&C is working on securing new growth engines within startups by conducting open innovation with N15 PARTNERS since last year. DL E&C open innovation this year has expanded its…

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N15 Partners and UAE Embassy in Seoul accounce a Eco-Bridge Competition on December 22nd

N15 Partners is hosting a ‘Competition Event’ as part of the ‘Eco Bridge Program’ with the UAE Embassy in Seoul to source adequate Korean Startups trying to expand their business…

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N15 Partners and Starbust – A Cooperative Agreement on Nurturing Aerospace Startups

N15 Partners stated that they had signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Silicon Valley aerospace specialized accelerator Starbust regarding stimulating the Korean Start-up…

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